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Texas Lions Camp Workday

On Saturday, April 5,  2025 Colleyville Lions will once again be working hard to get the Texas Lions Camp ready for campers this summer. Last year in May, fifteen Colleyville Lions and their significant others volunteered their time to help prepare the Texas Lions Camp for summer campers. Lots of hard work and some great team work! Thank you for all who contributed!

Woodpile Sean Mark And Dont Know Tlc Stacking Wood Tlc Lions Chopping Stacking Wood Clc Group Phot At Tlc

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Texas Lions Camp Needs more Campers this Summer!

The good news is that the two Diabetes Camps are is full … the better news is that there is still room for more campers in the other five Summer sessions.!

The Lions of Texas are looking for children in Texas with a physical disability to attend one of five (5) weeks of free week-long camping sessions. Click below for additional information.